Nyght's Lounge

Philosophy & Physics


Philosophy and Physics, these two might indirectly be two faces of a very same coin, one complementing the other, rendering one useless with the lack of the other. this arises as the consequence of objectively thinking about the nature of each of these two disciplines, while considering the limits of our own cognitivity and minds, and by comparing the scope of the two subjects next to each other. giving us also an idea of what their bounds and limits might be and a new way or perspective to perceive the world.

in this writing, the nature of Philosophy is deeply analyzed, and i conclude with philosophy being the only key, the only possible way to unlock ourselves, and our minds. this indirectly takes me to the conclusion of philosophy as more than just a discipline or subject, but as the very nature of understanding itself, which rules what we might consider as real and might link to the reason of reality itself.



Philosophy and Physics, those are two of the subjects that fascinate me the most, both disciplines give raise to the extension of the human cognition, and have the potential to explain the world as we know it, or going even further the entire universe and existence per se. giving us the ability to easily understand such complex concepts and ideas as those are. but, have you ever thought about what these subjects really study compared to each other? and if there is a relationship between the two?

the general idea is that of physics being a type of science that studies the -Natural World-, by experimenting and analyzing with natural objects or phenomena we can interact with, either directly or indirectly to come with a conclusion or -Idea- that seamlessly fit with our models of understanding, also derived and defined from such empirical system based on evidence. philosophy on the other hand, is a discipline that deals with ideas, questions and concepts we have about anything, be it subjective or objective, natural or supernatural, real or false. proposing ideas about the reason of what we see and think, questioning about existence and its meaning, and going as further as questioning the meaning of meaning itself.

philosophy, compared to physics is a fairly difficult subject to explain, full of nuances and distinct definitions, each mind has a different conception of it. but let us simplify it as the proposition, questioning and understanding of human ideas. even, when it comes to the understanding of material or physical objects, but why consider physical phenomena and material objects as ideas or thoughts for philosophy to understand?

at first sight it seems contradictory to compare the "real world" with the imaginative realm of thought and the abstract ideas generated by our minds. we seem to have this invisible, mental division between the two concepts. a division between reality and idea, between external and internal, dream or memory, thought or action. but in reality, our pure sense of direct interaction with the sole real world, is no more than just a deceiving illusion, generated by our own minds. we interact with the physical world by means of our senses, ruled by our physical body and chemically sent to our minds as an abstract flow of information that it then -Interprets- as what we now can perceive.

if you deeply think and consider this, you realize that we are completely isolated from the external world, we are nothing but limited to our own cognitivity, trapped inside and limited to the bounds of our own minds. thus, any interaction with the external or what we call as "physical world" only happens inside our very own internal realm of thought. being then only indirect interaction what we have with the external, this raises an even more deep question such as, how can we prove that what we experience as the "real world", the world "outside of our minds" is what we are really experiencing or if it is even there to begin with.

then where does the line between "thought" and "thought" lies in our minds? the thin line that divides our experience of "real" with our own ideas and concepts that once seemed to be completely isolated from the external world. now both seem to be only shades of a unique color, faces of the very same coin. but with such a problematic definition. the question is, where does this leave physics at? and most importantly, what are its limits now?. now that we could agree that in both cases we are merely interacting with nothing but ideas and concepts only, we could redefine them as the following:

Physics, strives to channel complex nonsense, difficult to understand for our limited cognitivity into a more refined structural set of nonsense. the answers are there, laying embedded within the very same questions. but we are required to employ the use of this tool that transforms those complex answers into conveniently simpler ones for our limited minds to understand. a conversion from hard nonsense to easy nonsense. easy, because now can easily fit with the sense we humans try to assign to it. now these answers convey something meaningful for us, we discovered something that "wasn't there before" for us. but what will then happen with those concepts and ideas we defined when we no longer are here to understand and think them?

physics now, seems to be dependent on philosophy for it to be useful for us. the nonsensical answers it outputs are fed to the input of philosophy for us to interpret and make sense of it. to mark a difference, physics converts complex nonsense into meaningful ideas. philosophy, deals with ideas from the human mind, somehow seeming to reach beyond it, thus limitless.

if the ideas generated by physics are limited to the finite natural world, then philosophy on the other hand is boundless, only limited to the infinite realm of the beyond nature. is philosophy just a way to extend our own cognitivity? or is it that the nature of philosophy lays beyond our universe? completely isolated from it, being our minds the only connection it has with. if so, is philosophy the way to escape the limits of our minds and the ones of the physical reality?

mathematics, is a way to abstractly understand the universe, physics makes a wide use of it as a tool. but just as with physics, mathematics only issues nothing but meaningless data only pointing to the information that was already there, such information that was before impossible for our minds to interpret. mathematics is to be considered by many infinite, compared to our finite world. the whole universe could be encoded in mathematics if we cleverly represent it as a the right pattern of data. but what is of this data if there is nothing beyond to interpret it? what is of our universe and ourselves if there's nothing beyond to interpret the information it is constituted of?

with this text, i conclude and claim philosophy, to be the only key for unlocking our minds, being nothing but the very raw meaning of understanding Itself. more than a science or a simple concept, is the interpreter of the universe and then, the only thing that make things be, without philosophy, or without understanding, nothing makes sense anymore, no meaning, thus no existence.

By L.B (Nyght)